صيانة واعادة تأهيل طلمبة الطرد المركزي متعددة المراحل , Multi-Stage pump...
تكلمنا في هذا الفديو عن صيانة الطلمبت ÷وخاصة طلمبة الطرد المركزي ومتعددة المراحل
وتغيير عامود الطلمبة و عمل جلب للريش من الداخل من النحاس البرونزي
كيفية لحام الزهر .خامات اعمدة الطلمبات ÷عمل مجاري الخوابير بالعمود
تركيب الحضو : Packing
او تركيب السلامسترا و طلاء الطلمبة بعد تجميعها
صيانة الطلمبات الطاردة المركزية
The pumps of S-LV-D range are intended to pump clean liquids
without mechanical impurities. They can be also used for pumping
clean service water up to 80 o C, e.g. as a water fire pump.
The pumps are of horizontal centrifugal multistage design with
radial impellers and diffusers. They are combined with a selfpriming
stage installed upstream the first stage, this construction
makes simultaneous independent operation of both
parts of the pump possible. The pump consists of a rotor, a
stator, stuffing boxes and bearings.
THE ROTOR of the pump consists of shaft carrying radial impellers,
distance rings and/or bushes of stuffing box tightened
with nut. The impellers are provided with wear rings on
both sides. There are balancing holes in impellers to equalise
(partly) the hydraulic axial force. The self-priming impeller of
full-flow design is installed on the shaft slidably, its correct
position being stabilised between the discharge insert of stuffing
box and the stuffing box bod
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